Friday, March 11, 2022

Putting the Finishing Touches on My Poster and Starting Work on the Gram

 Alright, this post may be a little bit shorter than my other ones because this is more for just tying up the loose ends for the week. I'm really excited to share with you guys what I believe is pretty much my final product for the movie poster. I might do some more touch-ups here and there since I do have a little bit of OCD, but I'm really happy with how my poster turned out. I think I put enough detail to make it seem more professional, and I've really added some more dimension and texture to the poster. How about, instead of just talking about it, I show it to all of you?

And here it is. I decided to go with the Knewave font on account of some astute advice from Luis Rodriguez, so shout out to you for your help. I changed the font color to yellow, just to match more with the image, but in the end, I still wanted the reference to the white-picket fence. And even though the font doesn't immediately scream white-picket fence on its own, when I added the mirror to it to add more dimension, I got more of a fence feel always. That was some luck on my part, but I think the font turned out well. This is the first time where I'm really set with my font and I actually like it, so that's probably a good sign. I also like how it looks more centered with this font and not as crammed in. It looks more aesthetically pleasing, which is always nice on a poster (or anything). And it does add some more character to my poster while not being a generic horror font (even though it does allude to the thriller genre). Sorry if I'm talking about my font too much, especially after the last blog post, but I'm excited that I'm finally excited about a font. That might make me weird, but there's some people that dedicate their lives to making unique fonts, so props to all of you! I don't feel as though you get enough recognition.

I also added some touch ups here and there, like adding another layer of cracks on the mirror in Photoshop and adding the splashes of black blood using Canva. I also added the torn hole up at the top left corner just for some more detail and add more texture to it. I like how it forms this off-kilter triangle, which is often associated with the Ouija board (the game that calls spirits or demons, hint hint). Plus, it's a cool shape. And that reminds me, I also put in some time to get the mirror and the offset of the font just right. I made the offset direction to the left, which again, reminds of demons and the devil and such. 

I hope y'all like the poster and at least found parts of the process interesting. I know I had fun making it, and I'm excited to edit some more images to post on my movie's Instagram. Which is a great segue into the next topic for today's blog: the Gram.

I made the official account for my movie a few days ago, but I really started working on it the last couple of days. And this process has been fun, too. I'll give you a quick look at my page as of right now (just to warn you ahead of time, it's pretty plain right now):

Like I mentioned, it's pretty plain so far. I haven't gotten the chance to even post an image of my key art yet, but I'm looking to do that soon. Again, I just finished my poster, and am pretty busy as of recent, but I'll have it up soon, I promise. And yes, I did put a disclaimer in my bio. I don't need people assuming this is an actual movie, even though it would be hilarious. 

And yes, you are seeing it right, I do already have two followers. And I am following 28 others. These are some of the accounts I'm following so far:

I started out with following other psychological thriller movies, just to tap into my target audience a little bit and make my presence known. I'm also following directors such as Jordan Peele and Edgar Wright, who actually both have interesting accounts themselves. Maybe I should follow more directors, because some of their stuff is really good. I also followed some smaller distribution companies, theaters, and film festivals, because I do want to have a limited release for my film, and I need some film festivals to be able to garner more of an audience for my film; on top of that I'm going to need a distributor and places to screen my film. I'm following some theaters around the Miami area, which would be more likely to accept my film since I'm a local filmmaker. I followed some chain theaters as well, but those would be much less likely to screen my film. And, I do have two followers already, both of which are cinephiles and follow the same director and film accounts that I do, so I'm chalking it up to my strategy. I'm also going to follow some smaller film accounts and film enthusiast accounts just to attract my target audience more directly and alter them to the presence of this film. I figure that's easier to do with smaller accounts. I'm also doing a promotional where I follow them back and like some posts, just to interact more with them and get them to potentially interact more with my brand.

That's pretty much it for my social media so far, but just know that I'm planning to do either 5 or 6 posts a week (just depends on my schedule and what I'm able to get done that week). I'm also potentially making a website for my film, so be on the lookout for that soon.

I want to dedicate the rest of this post to an atrocity that has happened recently in my home country. And yes, atrocities are happening every day because of the invasion, but this one is particularly vile (and that's saying something all things considering). The shelling of a maternity hospital is evil and is a punishable war crime. Children and pregnant mothers should not have to die because of this stupid invasion, innocent civilians should not have to suffer through this. I applaud the bravery and resilience of everyone in my country - those defending it, those trying to survive, those fleeing, and those who have already fled. I can only hope for the best for everyone, I can only pray that everything turns out ok. I truly believe that certain other countries could be doing more to help, because the Russian army is only going to kill more civilians and become more reckless the more frustrated their army gets. The killing of the innocent needs to stop. Period. I appreciate everyone that takes the time to read this, and all those supporting Ukraine in whatever ways possible. I appreciate you too.

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