Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Final Products (!!!!)

 After all the hard work that I've put in to my project, I'm pleased to present to you the following components:


-Pleasantville, USA Trailer #1

-Pleasantville, USA Trailer #2


Link: Poster Link


-Pleasantville, USA Instagram


I honestly don't even care about the score I receive from this. I'm proud of all the work that I've put into this, and it really is a reflection of my state of being at this time. After everything that has happened, this was something that I could always use as a catharsis, pour my heart and soul into when all of my other cups were overflowing. 

I want to say thank you to all of those who helped in the making of this project and contributed. Especially Cathy and Ryan, you never had to spend those hours helping me out, but you did and I'm eternally grateful. And a big thank you to my class, everyone that has made Media Studies this year absolutely amazing. I can't forget about you, Tstok! I don't think I can formulate a sentence that would cover how much I appreciate your teaching and support. 

I love that I produced something tangible that I can always watch, to remind myself what this period of my life was like. I'm really glad I could make something to share with my family in Ukraine. A huge part of my motivation for this project came from them. I don't know if I'll continue posting on this, but I might create another blog. I kind of like sharing my thoughts in this forum. 

I can't think of a better way to leave off than: Glory to Ukraine!

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The Final Products (!!!!)

 After all the hard work that I've put in to my project, I'm pleased to present to you the following components: TRAILERS: - Pleasan...